Valley Library of Networking and Events

Think about why you are going. There are so many events you could spend all day, every day at one event or another but look at the list of events and make sure there is a valid reason for you to attend. (And getting a free breakfast isn’t one of them!!!) When I started out I attended 3-4 a week to help build up my business. I now do 1 or 2, you have to find the balance that is right for you.

When considering events they usually come in 5 categories

  • Speed Networking – You will sit with other and do a 1-2 minute pitch, when everyone has done there’s you move on to the next table until everyone is. This can also be done online
  • Informal networking – Meeting with other business owners – can be less effective and more difficult for you to get across what you do as they can end up with people splitting off into groups of people they already know
  • Business lunches – very often organised by sporting organisations
  • Events – Golf Days – behind the scenes at …
  • Exhibitions and Themed programmes – These tend to be theme around a particular purpose and will go on longer than the average networking event so there is an opportunities to have good conversations

Top Tips

  1. Before attending, make sure you have an informal mini pitch prepared and think about how you are memorable. Don’t just list the services you offer, why should they remember you over your competitors.
  2. Don’t be too pushy, these events are ways to build your connections in the first instance not to make a sale.
  3. You’ll need to be prepared to be there 10 minutes before it starts and stay all the way through to the end. If it is an exhibition they are more flexible for you to come and go as you need to but with networking events usually it is expected that you will be there for the duration.
  4. If you can’t make it let the organiser know – don’t just not show up. You will get a reputation for being a no show.
  5. What can you bring to the table, remember this is a way to build your brand and being helpful is one of the best ways to be remembered
  6. Be Social – check in, tag, message or post. This is a great way to continue to build exposure before and after the event

I regularly search through the events in South and West Yorkshire Regions. I have created a “Valley Library of Events” below. These are the ones that I have found to be useful and have helped me to build connections, get support and ultimately find new clients.

I am not paid or asked to list the events below and have no control over the events, registrations and costs. Every listing has the organiser link within it, you will need to click on these to be able to book your place.

Whilst every effort is made to keep these listings up to date and accurate, they may be changed by the organiser at short notice which is beyond our control. Please ensure that you keep the details sent to you directly from the organiser for the most up to date info.

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Sustainability is one of the most pressing challenges our society is currently facing. It is therefore crucial that humanity continues to try to find ways to tackle this immense challenge.

This event is hosted by TEAM SY and DMC, and will bring together creative minds from across the region to innovate and create new ideas for a sustainable future.

In 48 hours, you will have an opportunity to explore innovative ideas, build disruptive solutions, learn new skills, and connect with like-minded people. You’ll have industry expertise and coaching support throughout. You will come up with a prototype for your product or service – this doesn’t need to be technical (although it can be if you like!). You are welcome to present drawings or slides or even a video – whatever will convey your idea the best. At the end, you will pitch your ideas to a panel of industry experts, for a chance to go home with a prize!

Whether you have a GreenTech idea that you would like to explore with like-minded people or are looking to get involved in a sustainable project, we are waiting for you!

Who should attend

This is an open event for all those interested in discovering solutions that can assist with a more sustainable future.

If you are an engineer, developer, marketeer, entrepreneur with a GreenTech idea, or are simply passionate about sustainability, this event is for you!

Why attend

  • Create feasible green solutions for sustainable development goals
  • Build a basic design or Minimal Viable Product in 48 hours
  • Find co-founders, team members, and collaborators for your GreenTech initiative or startup
  • Network with like-minded people and connect with experts in sustainability
  • Gain new skills and experiences
  • Win great prizes!

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