Successful marketing is simply an interaction between you and your customer. Understanding how to best reach someone with your message, is the start. Deciding what you want from your customer is the next step. Whether you are looking for a contribution, an enquiry or a sale then needs to be defined. We then look at how to effectively engage with your customer to help achieve your businesses goals……. Easy!
Doing what is right takes understanding, not only of your business but also your market place, your customers now and who your customer are likely to be in the future. Once we have this nailed down we can then work on the best strategy for you.
The scatter gun approach may provide great reach but it’s unlikely that this will effectively target your desired customer.
Where do you want start?…..all social media platforms, webinars, new website, downloads, live streaming, exhibitions, ad buy, press, contributor, thought leader, networking, print, blog, OOH, Vlog, eMarketing, brand build, awareness campaign, event, widgets, sign ups, lists, ecommerce, AI…..and on and on and on.
If you keep looking at ideas and new opportunities that you want to try out, your list of things to do will only ever get bigger, you’ll never achieve your goals and you will need to find another 8 hours in every day!
The right question to ask at the start is….. Where are my customers?
Then together we go and meet them there.
Driven and Marketing Obsessed.
I have been working independently since 2007 and like most people I have worked full-time in employed marketing roles whilst doing it. In 2016 I set Valley Marketing. Valley Marketing has a different approach to delivering results…. We work with other independent professionals to skill up for every project. Over the years I have worked with many talented people and my strong network ensures that all marketing needs are covered. All my clients have the opportunity to work with these trusted suppliers from; graphic designers, coders, web developers, printers, copy writers, animators, photographers and videographers and more. Whatever your needs I will support you and your business and ensure the right outcome is achieved.
I have worked in advertising and marketing in both agency accounts and internal marketing roles. Working in the industry can sometimes produce a very tunneled vision, digital is best, experiential is emotive, reviews have destroyed the paid for ad market….. You find that whatever that agency’s specialism is, that is the one they recommend but there is not a one size fits all solution.
You will always find somebody to counter each argument or provide a new piece of research. As an experienced marketeer in B2B and B2C, on domestic and international accounts I find that only once you understand the market place can you produce a successful plan to achieve results. Marketeers need to gravitate towards strategic thinking to ensure delivery in the most effective way. I am results focused with a continual desire to find new and innovative opportunities in both my personal and professional life.
Be interested in the project and then ask ‘why should the customer should care?‘
- Google – Mobile Ads, Ads, Analytics Certified
- BCS Certified – Coding and Marketing Principles
- Chartered Institute of Marketing : CIM – Digital Marketing
- Institute of Leadership and Management : ILM – Certified Business Coach
Having worked in Sales, Advertising and Marketing since 1998 I have worked on many projects and I have created and competed a number of very successful projects!
My aim is to make the focus, customer centric and for the delivery to be user friendly. The best strategy in the world will fall down if the platform is impossible to use and doesn’t work well. I put myself in the shoes of the client and their customers and then start.
I have been very lucky to work with some amazing people and businesses over the years, some relationships have lasted over a decade.
Aubrey Robinson
Abby’s given me invaluable insights into marketing. In an industry where it can be hard to know who to trust, I know Abby knows what she’s talking about. She has helped my business and the businesses of my clients with our best interests at the heart of all the advice she gives. Expert, sound ideas and a proven record of success.
Amy Michard
Abby created the marketing strategy and then developed the brand in line with the Business Plan. Abby has since worked with me on other projects and businesses too.
Rob Staines