We are pleased to invite you to the inaugural South Yorkshire – Connecting People, Skills and Business event. Delegates attending will have time to hear from the local skills providers, Chamber of Commerce and policy makers and, of course, an opportunity to meet directly with local skills providers to find out how they can support your business. It is also an opportunity to network with other businesses from across the region. The event marks the culmination of a £2.5m investment from the Department for Education (DfE) in supporting local providers to meet the needs of local businesses. This gives businesses a lead role in developing the Local Skills Improvement Plan which is being developed by the regional Chambers of Commerce on the DfE’s behalf.
Key activities on the day will include a range of presentations and discussions on a number of subjects including:
- Input from local leaders on how we can continue to raise productivity through targeted skills training
- Local Skills Improvement Plan update
- Panel discussions
- Round table discussions of key sector issues
- Practical showcases
Throughout the day there will be the chance to network and engage with businesses and skills providers.
Lunch is also provided.